Archive for the ‘Renders’ Category

UFOs with frickin’ railguns!

27th 2008f February 2008



20th 2008f February 2008


I’m a dragon rar.

Dragon on Tower

I’m a dragon!
Suck my dick!
I’ve got a tower!

(WIP) Dragon

19th 2008f February 2008

(WIP) Dragon

This dragon is missing it’s head.

Ruined Tower

4th 2008f February 2008


If this picture has no transparency someone fucked up hard.


3rd 2008f February 2008


GI_Joe makes shitty models look good.


3rd 2008f February 2008

Vindicator Spaceship

I became unhappy with the early parts of the model later on so I rushed the end, that way the later parts became even worse. Awesome.

I decided against fixing it because I’m bored of the model now and I’d rather just start something new next time.

Bloodstained Couch

1st 2008f February 2008

Bloody couch

It’s a bloodstained couch.

I made it with NURBS shapes which I then lofted in to polygon meshes.

It’s a shitty model but I wanted to have atleast one render here in case I never finish anything.